
Showing posts from March, 2024

Draconia - Medieval fantasy style short story

 It's been a while since my first post, but here's another short story. A little piece of medieval fantasy, video game-like idea that came to mind. 😉 DRACONIA   I sincerely hope there is enough ink and parchment for me to register my most recent undertaking. As I made my way to the Northlands to receive the payment for my recent job, I chanced upon a town called Æsterya and decided to visit it and offer my mercenary services. That way I would make some more money and perchance easily get my hands on a few gold pieces before moving on to the Northlands and their big walled city.     You see, I've had a sword in my hands ever since I was a kid. It is what I do. I wield it, I swing it and sometimes kill with it. Services may involve dealing with creatures of the night, demons or simply despicable humans. With the latter kind things tend to be easier, since, at times, there's no need to tarnish my sword with blood and I can simply use intimidation tactics t