Hotsuma fan art (from the video game Shinobi)


The above image is a fan art of Hotsuma, the protagonist from the Playstation 2 game Shinobi, by Sega. 

Originally drawn on an A3 size paper and painted digitally. It was a great exercise to... well exercise my digital painting skills hehe. Learned a lot. 

Also, this post serves as an update to this blog. I originally created it to push me into writing more fiction, but as I'm extremely attuned to Art as a whole, I don't just do writing, but also do Illustrating, therefore I'll be not only posting my writing in this blog, but also artwork. Be it original character designs, fan art, paintings, sketches, all that great stuff.

Oh, let me not forget. This artwork was made for the thumbnail of a video in my channel Games and Flix, so I invite you to check the video. ๐Ÿ™‚ 



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