Superhero Talk - part 1 (Spider-Man and Batman)

I came upon me the idea of "what would be like a conversation between characters from different companies?"

One of them was, how an interaction between Spidey and Batman would look like or play out, so this is me giving this idea a go. Additionally, it would be fun to sketch this idea in a few comic panels... I'll keep that in mind. For the time being, please enjoy this conversation between Spider-Man🕷️ and 🦇Batman. 🙂

S: Aw, man. My head is spinning. Never thought that a transdimensional plane disruptor was so volatile. Reed should've told me that thing was prone to overheating when he asked me for some help.

S: Sheesh, did the explosion send me flying that far? What part of the city is this?

S: Wow there! You should drive more carefully. Lucky I got my spider-sense on my side.

B: Who are you?

S: I thought at this point all New Yorkers knew me... Spider-Man. And why are you dressed like that?

B: If you don't know who I am you clearly aren't from around here. What is your business here.

S: What is my business? "And not from here", of course I'm from he- Wait, where is "here"?

B: Listen, if you've come to Gotham to cause trouble you better leave now, otherwise-

S: Gotham?! Aw, man. What is Gotham? What is this place and who are you?

B: I'm Batman.

S: Batman... oh, given your name and your costume, seems like you're a superhero like me. I'm Spider-Man, by the way.

B: Hmm... you're a costumed individual, but don't look as deranged as the types I'm used to dealing with.

S: "As deranged"? What the heck do you mea- anyway. I need to get back to New York. I see you have a nice fancy car... would you hitch me a ride?

B: Listen I have a duty to fulfill here, I can't-

S: Come on. I don't want to websling all the way there. (I don't think I even have enough web fluid for that)

B: *sigh* Another red and blue type who wants to tag along...

S: "Another red and blue"? What are you talking about. Listen, Batman. Something tells me you're not a bad guy, otherwise my spider-sense would probably be tingling right now. I just want to go back to my city. New York needs me and, like you, I also have a duty, a responsibility to fulfill...


B: Fine. Hop in. It seems you're not here to cause problems and you remind me of someone I know.

S: Thanks.

S: So, do you know how long it will take to get there?

B: New York is not too far from Metropolis, which takes about 4 hours, so I'd say it's a 5-hour ride...

S: "Not far from Metropolis?" and this "Gotham?" What New York are you talking about? Right... I think this has something to do with the transdimensional plane disruptor. Just my Parker Luck.

B: Parker what?

S: Nothing!

B: Hey, what is that tingling sense you said back there?


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