Superhero Talk - part 2 (Superman and Batman)

Continuing with the idea of trying my hand at writing dialogue between certain characters, next I thought about two from the same company, ๐Ÿฆ‡Batman and ๐Ÿฆธ๐Ÿป‍♂️Superman. The World's Finest having a little convo. Sounds fun, right? Hope you enjoy this little writing exercise. ๐Ÿ˜Š

B: Thank you for coming, Superman. I'd normally request Green Arrow to join me in stakeout missions for the League, but the way we've been spread so thin lately...

S: Don't worry, I'm glad to help. So, what is that building you're surveying?

B: I've been following the trail of a new gunrunner who appeared in Gotham, which is not uncommon, but when I realized they were visiting places like Star City, Metropolis and Coast City, I knew there was more to it.

S: Cities protected by members of the League.

B: Exactly. That's not all, I found out they've been in areas that have seen some action. Places that have been battlefields or had some sort of metahuman confrontation, especially of the alien kind.

S: Do you think they're looking into alien tech? Biology?

B: That's my assumption and what we're trying find out here. That is no regular office building. I tracked some perps to this place and it wouldn't surprise me if the whole building was a secret stash or a hideout.

S: Intriguing. Okay then, let's find out. How can I help you?

B: Hmm... your costume is a bit conspicuous... it would be great if we could keep the element of surprise.

S: Yes, I'm aware. The thing is... I don't usually need to use stealth. But, for your information, I can be imperceptible if need be.

B: How so?

S: For one, my speed helps; aside from that, flying low, if my target is in the upper floor of a building or sometimes staying high above the clouds when surveying the city. That allows me to stay out of sight.

For instance, I can easily check in on Lois and she won't know I'm there.


S: What's that smile in the corner of your mouth?

B: You said "target" and then you mention how you check in on Lois?
It seems women in Metropolis need their walls lined with lead if they want some privacy.

S: Unbelievable.... you know I didn't mean it like tha-

B: Calm down, I just thought it was funny. Never mind that. I need your help checking the floors for traps, people inside or anything interesting.

S: All right, can do.

B: Thank you, Super Stalker.

S: Hey!


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