
Showing posts from May, 2024

Street Fighter and Final Fantasy VII mash-up

  Tifa Lockhart as Chun-li Cloud Strife as Ryu Barret Wallace as Zangief Just for funzies. A few Final Fantasy VII skins would make for a great collab on Street Fighter 6. 😉

Games and Flix logo

 Now let me turn to my channel Games and Flix . In this channel I talk games and movies, so having in mind that "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" I named it Games and Flix. Simple and direct. By the way "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" is a maxim often attributed to the great Leonardo da Vinci. As much as I agree with the quote and it would be pretty awesome if da Vinci had said it first, that may not be the case. I found a cool article exploring the possible origins of the quote via Quote Investigator. You can check it on this link . From the beginning I wanted to incorporate elements associated with movies and video games. I finally decided to have a film reel whose holes were filled with buttons from famous gaming consoles.  I'm representing Playstation with the "square" and "triangle", X-Box with the "x" and "y" from Nintendo. The "play" symbol in the middle can be applied to both movies

Imaginary Forces - conceptualization of the logo

  This is the final design I came up with for my Imaginary Forces blog. After some deliberation I thought Imaginary Forces was quite fitting for what I wanted to convey with the blog. Imaginary Forces is what one uses during the act of creation. Imagination is a force, and a powerful one, employed by creative people to conjure anything into existence, to turn a blank page into a story or some form of visual art, to turn a slab of marble into a sculpture, etc.  I've always been attuned to words and I wanted to employ them. The love for words and languages led to the love for writing, especially fiction. Scenes, characters, worlds, etc. so the blog would be something to spur me to write more. Then I decided to use the blog as an extension of my creative endeavors as a whole, so now I'm posting finished art and sketches here.🙂 Today I thought about posting the creative process behind the creation of the logo. You can see a few cursive designs, some elements resembling a lamp and

Fun fonts part 2

  The continuation of that fun fonts exercise. When you love words you write them, but when you also love bending the reality of the letters that compose them, you do stuff like this.😆👆

Fun fonts part 1

This was a fun exercise. Some hand-drawn fonts playing with a few concepts. Hmmm should definitely do some more of these or go beyond and create a font style myself.😃 Now that sounds fun. Of course, I'll make it available online on websites such as 

Things are getting out of hand - surreal art

  Love me some surreal, eerie, creepy writing or art. This piece was made with pencil on paper. The image of a hand coming out of another hand came to my mind and I decided to put it to paper.  The hand is not simply one of the most expressive parts of the human body, but also a challenge for us artists, so you can safely say it's a fascinating subject matter to draw be it normal or something that seems straight out of a David Cronenberg movie. Now, I want you to wonder, what is the original hand and what is the "copy"? Is there even any copy?