Games and Flix logo

 Now let me turn to my channel Games and Flix.

In this channel I talk games and movies, so having in mind that "simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" I named it Games and Flix. Simple and direct.

By the way "Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication" is a maxim often attributed to the great Leonardo da Vinci. As much as I agree with the quote and it would be pretty awesome if da Vinci had said it first, that may not be the case. I found a cool article exploring the possible origins of the quote via Quote Investigator. You can check it on this link.

From the beginning I wanted to incorporate elements associated with movies and video games. I finally decided to have a film reel whose holes were filled with buttons from famous gaming consoles. 

I'm representing Playstation with the "square" and "triangle", X-Box with the "x" and "y" from Nintendo. The "play" symbol in the middle can be applied to both movies and games. I represented most of the gaming spectrum even though there's no element specific to PC. But PC gaming is covered in spirit. 😉 We're all gamers, be it on PC or console. 


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