忍 - Endurance - Shinobi

 I'm a fan of the idea of a shinobi (or ninja, if you will). They make for great characters in any fictional setting and are a joy to conceptualize. This is a simple design of a shinobi armed to the teeth, quite literally, as if ready for whatever fool who dare cross his path. I couldn't help but having him wear the classic "fish net t-shirt". That's how artists usually draw them, but they are actually supposed to be kusari-katabira (鎖帷子), or chain mail, so our boy is not decked out in a fishing net, but metal chains.

Photo of a man covered in Kusari / Chain mail

How it looks as a tee. Stylish and protective.

 As another piece of Japanese-language nerdery the kanji at the top left  is read "nin" and has a few meanings, such as enduranceforbearancepatience; self-restraint. It is the character used in words such as 忍び (shinobi) and 忍者(ninja).
